Pain can be your best friend

….however it may not feel like a good friend at first. In this blog I share my own healing journey from how I became an Emotion Code healer to now – facing my own healing crisis again with a hand injury.

And so the time has come for the healer to heal herself….well, to be honest, she has been doing that for a while now. It is a never ending process that as an awakening woman I have long been familiar with.

I noticed pain in my base of thumb for a few years now, but it started to get worse during the last semester of uni. I was writing more notes, and massaging more clients than I have in a while and it really took its toll on my hand.

The simple solution is: stop doing massage and stop writing notes.
So how do I put food on the table and provide for my kids and how do I study? Simply put I dont want my life to change in any way shape or form because the uncertainty is scary and so I pretend I dont notice the pain on a deeper level, and just manage the symptoms.
I press on with ice packs and essential oils and hand splints, and push thru the pain, and massage in different ways, hoping it will just go back to normal.
But you and I both know this isnt a long term, wellbeing solution. And I am afraid of the outcome if I dont do anything about it, but not afraid enough to change anything.

What helps people feel better in the long term?
Change of lifestyle, change of habits, change of thought patterns, and change of energy field.

I share this with you, because even for me – a woman who KNOWS the mind body connection, and KNOWS the language of her body, I STILL RESIST the messages at times – particularly the messages that address some core wounding and fears.
And this is what many people are facing that I see in my clinic. this is the BIG stuff, the stuff that requires courage to face, and it can be terrifying.
Until the pain or discomfort gets bigger than the FEAR that stops you from facing it.

I became an energy healer back in 2014 after struggling with a really sore right shoulder for about six months. The pain got to the point where I couldn’t drive without pain, cos I couldn’t get my arm in a position that felt good.
I did yoga and lifted weights, was super fit, I never rested, I worked hard and was a newly single mum with 3 kids. To say I was “shouldering” a burden of responsibility was an understatement. I was worried about paying bills, worried would I ever meet the man of my dreams, worried I was failing as a mum and worried I was a massive failure in general.
I tried physio which didnt do anything – didn’t make it worse or better. And believe me, my physio is excellent at his craft. His treatments did nothing because it wasn’t a physical injury. It was energetic. I just didn’t know it at the time.

After a few months of physio treatment going nowhere I was starting to be concerned that my life as a massage therapist was going to come to an end, and I was terrified that I had no other skills. I mean, I am a bodyworker – what else could I do?
And then I stumbled across an energy healer who did Emotion Code. It was a non-touch therapy that worked on the emotional layers that were trapped or stuck in my energy field. WHOAH. what?
I honestly didn’t believe it at first. I thought it was a joke.
But after FIFTEEN MINUTES I could move my shoulder again without pain. I was floating, I felt amazing. And I couldn’t believe it.

However it was short lived. The pain came back 2 days later.
So I called this woman who I now declared a charlatan and she said “okay let’s do a full session, I’ll call you back at 2pm”
And after that session I have NEVER had shoulder pain again.

And that’s when I decided to learn Emotion Code myself so I can take care of others in the same way.

Isn’t that incredible! I had opened the door to a new world thru the pain in my shoulder. I began to walk down a path I never knew existed because of the pain in my shoulder caused by the feelings of fear and worry and burden. I had taken those though patterns and walked thru a door into a new world and way of showing up in my practice.
I am forever grateful for that.

And now as the pain in my hand brings me to a slow down again, I am reminded not to be afraid, but to dive deeper into the healing space, releasing the trapped emotions (which will in turn release the fears around “grasping” my life with two hands even in the face of uncertainty) and being open to receiving the new blessings and new pathways that will come up as a result of having to slow down (or maybe even stop, not sure yet) massaging people.

This is the gift of energy healing. We don’t focus on the actual physical problem. We focus on the underlying causes that can only be accessed once the emotional layers are released – and then the story can be told.

Our physical body is simply a manifestation of the thoughts, words, judgements and beliefs we hold.
We feel pain and discomfort because these thoughts are not in alignment with our wise woman / wise man.
And it is this misalingment that is trapping the emotions which then cause “issues in the tissues”.

The process of releasing is simple. However the process of getting you to make and appointment, to show up and to have enough courage to face the deeper layers is what keeps people in resistance.
Simply take the first step, and I will guide and support you to do the rest.
Make a decision to get to the bottom of the pain and discomfort and watch your life come alive as you step closer into alignment with who you truly are.

Emotion Code appointments are part of my Health & Wellness consultations. Initial sessions are 2hrs, as I take a detailed history to ensure I have a complete picture of what is going on for you. In a session you will relax deeply – maybe even fall asleep at times – and you will learn a lot about yourself (or maybe just “remember”!)

Appointments can be made here, and can be in clinic or via Zoom: Bookings

Enter: The Wise Woman

Are you ready to meet your Wise Woman?

You’ve known her all her life. She was there when you were gently brushing your hair in front of the mirror. She was there when you were playing with dolls and lovingly caring for them, whilst your mum commented on what a good “little mother” you were.

She was there when you knew to step away from your boy-crush in school and go back to your girlfriends at the disco, (he was giving you attention, but you knew he was a bit of a sleaze bag.) She was there when you planned a whirlwind adventure and dreamed of quitting your job and travelling off into the sunset with a tall, dark and handsome suitor, but realised that giving up your career for Romeo probably wasn’t going to turn out well.

She was there when you held your best friend as she cried in your arms about the love she had lost. And you whispered to her that she would eventually be okay.

She was there when you held your baby in your arms for the first time and knew in your heart that nothing ever would be the same again.

She was there when you dreamily sat on the balcony with a cuppa in one hand and a pen in another, journaling about your plans for the future.

She was there as you embarked on a new course that helped grow you in ways you never thought possible.

She is YOU. She has always been there.

You are the Wise Woman, just ask your friends and family. Ask your kids if you have them. They will all tell you that they think you are awesome. So when you let go of self-doubt, she is the part of you that inherently knows the path forward, knows the best solution in any situation, and is gentle, and caring and…well, wise.

As she begins to take centre stage in your life you will come to feel her and listen to her. But first it takes an awareness and a trust.


I have created the Wise Woman Essentials 6 week online program to help guide you back to the core of who you are. If you would like more information about this program please get in touch. 

Re-Ignite Your Passion

What is the #1 thing that makes a woman’s vitality fade?

Answer: Not living and enjoying her passion!


When you heart is “just not in it” you will experience more aches and pains, more headaches and more colds and flu. 
This is your body’s way of trying to get your attention. When you are sick, or sore, you spend more time laying or sitting – essentially slowing down, and thinking more.We start to re-evaluate our life and we easily prioritise what is important (sleep more + eat nourishing food + ask for help +gentle movement + quiet cuddles with family). When we feel better again we get over loaded and attempt to do too much, and lose the ability to prioritise the important stuff because we feel that we have to “get everything done”.

As women we have MANY different hats to wear – friend / sister / mother / employee or employer / partner / entrepreneur / supporter / counsellor / volunteer / carer….I could go on. 
Issues start to arise for us when we lose time for ourselves and we start to put everyone and everything else first…..and leave yourself very last. 

When you find your passion – in family or career or hobby or recreation or sport – you will begin to come alive. It is a gentle fire that burns brightly within, lighting you up and fueling your energy. Suddenly you can work (or play) all night, and the more you pour into your passion, the more invigorated you feel! However distractions and responsibilities and external demands can start to weigh you down, and sometimes get the better of you – despite having found your passion.

Personally I have felt my vitality fade – even while I am working in my passion business (ie: the clinic!) It was always an ebb and flow, but I identify losing my vitality when having very young kids, struggling with financial issues from divorce, relationship problems and being a single mum (although the first year was amazing as I re-found Me again!) and learning how to navigate my world as a single woman. Even though I was working in my passion, I still had “life” to deal with. 

So how do you navigate those seasons when life feel a bit “blah” or as I like to say “too vanilla”?

SELF CARE – and knowing how to self soothe is a skill, it takes courage, and commitment. It takes humility and grace. 

I believe this is where self care is of utmost importance. Learning how to take some necessary time out just for YOU, will help to revitalise you from the inside out. Things like gentle yoga, meditation, inspiring workshops, craft classes, enjoying gourmet food, a gorgeous bottle of red, girl-time with friends, alone time with a journal and a bar of Lindt chocolate, a reiki massage or reflexology session. Self healing with EFT and energy balancing – these are all the things I did to help bring me back to my centre, and help me to find the inner fire within again. 

What do you choose to help you find your centre again? What are your special go-to’s that make you feel better?

 The following exercise will help to put things in perspective for you. Put your favourite essential oil on, play some soothing music, take a few deep breaths and then take a moment to write down the answers to these questions:

  1. If money wasn’t an issue, what would you do for your career?
  2. If you had unlimited income, and lots of free time what would your hobbies / recreations / sports be?
  3. If you didn’t have housework to do, how would you spend your free time?
  4. If it was your last week on earth, how would you spend your time?
  5. If you were ordering your last meal, what would it be?
  6. If you could spend time with anyone on this earth, who would it be? Why?

    Your immediate answers to these questions (don’t think too hard), will help you to see more clearly where you are excited and where you need to put more focus in life. If you wrote “jump out of a plane” …but your finances don’t allow this, then what you are really saying is “I want to have more thrills in my life!” So begin to add more thrills in daily life…..
    If you wrote “I want to play professional sport”…but you don’t have the skill, or maybe your body won’t do it anymore, then what you are really saying is “I am passionate about this sport and it lights me up”…so maybe think about how you can bring this sport into your weekly or monthly life in a different way?
    Adulting is hard. There is need for compromise. There is need for patience. But the GOLD comes when you learn how to adapt and make the best out of every situation, in order to learn and to grow. 

I created this clinic to be a refuge for women in a busy and demanding world. Little did I know that in my own dark seasons it would be my refuge too. I want to give a very public “thank you” to my team of therapists and practitioners who helped bring me back to life after my recent struggle with glandular fever (an illness with an emotional cause of “extreme overwhelm and exhaustion, of wanting to hide and retreat”.) My “girls” were gentle with my body during massage treatments (my fav was reiki and foot treatments) and I loved having energy healing sessions with Kali Devi – which helped release the underlying issues that I had no idea were wreaking havoc.

My personal yoga practice of vinyasa yoga came to a stand still, but I was able to employ some yogic principles of very relaxing yoga poses such as Waterfall pose (legs up the wall) – propped up with pillows, and listening to healing meditations from Inna Segal on my iphone.

Most importantly I used my doTERRA essential oils to help gently bring life back to my body. I used Oregano, Frankincense, On Guard daily in veggie capsules (to fight the virus in my body), plus Basil and Vetiver on my feet for adrenal support. I took a tablespoon of coconut oil daily to soothe (or attempt to soothe) my very sore throat. I used peppermint oil to help with my fevers. Lavender and Bergamot in epsom salt baths to soothe my intense body pains. And wild orange to uplift my mind, in my diffuser for days when I just couldn’t get off the couch or bed. My oils gently work on a physical and energetic level, giving me the space I needed to fully heal – not just a bandaid approach, but a truly deep and long lasting healing.

If you feel like you need some help with finding your vitality again – igniting your passion – then book in with Me (Belle) for a Clarity Session – these are FREE 20min phone calls to help you get a deeper understanding of what is dulling your inner fire, and how you can make changes to improve your life!